Outsmart Your Anxious Brain Book - Ten Simple Ways to Beat the Worry Trick
Anxiety is the ultimate trickster, trying to convince us we're in danger when we're not. It can cause us to question our decisions, doubt ourselves, or worry incessantly about the future. And, worst of all, it keeps us from living joyfully in the present moment. Fortunately, there
are ways to outsmart your worry. This go-to guide will show you how to outwit your anxiety freeing and empowering you to live the life you wanted before anxiety started heckling and intimidating you.
Drawing on the same cutting-edge psychology presented in The Worry Trick, psychologist David Carbonell offers ten irreverent and surprising strategies to help you put anxiety in its place. Instead of trying to "manage" your anxiety or push anxious thoughts away-which never works you'll learn how to use mindfulness, breathing exercises, and even humor to stay grounded when panic strikes. If you're ready to "one-up" your worry and take back your life, this little book will light the way.