The Seed of Life is a symbol for the seven days of creation.
The first step was the creation of the Octahedron. The next step was to spin the shape on its axes. In this way a sphere is formed. The next thing the creator's consciousness did was to go to the outside surface of the sphere, (the old testament refers to "the spirit of the Creator floating upon the face of the waters") and creating another using the same process of creating an octahedron and turning it into a sphere. By creating the second sphere created light. In projecting another converted octahedron into a sphere on the surface of the first sphere, you will get the image of two circles crossing each other in their centers, a shape known as Vesica Pisces. This pattern is a geometrical formula which represents the electromagnetic spectrum of light (for further information how this can be done, check out Drunvalo Melchizedek's book "The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life Vol.2") and the first thing that God created was light - "Let there be light".
Sacred Geometry patterns are commonly found in plant biology, atomic science, energy waveforms and physics: repetitively showing their signature as a relevant expression of the Divine Hand in creation.
Wear this sacred symbol and empower your thoughts with the abundance that surrounds you. One will constantly remind others and oneself of their uplifting messages.
Made in: USA
Materials: Base Metal "Silver"