White Sage Incense Fills The Space With A Divine, Healing Aroma, Specifically Healing Your Energetic Field. It Can Help Dispel Any Negative Energy, And May Help You Establish A Positive Environment For A Meditation Or Another Ritual.
Its Great To Burn When Feeling Stressed And Can Boost Energy Levels When
Feeling Depleted
Dragon's Blood Incense Used To Increase The Potency Of Smells For Protection, Love, Banishing & Sexuality. It Has Sweet, Soft & Woody Fragrance Made From A Tree Of The Same Name.
White Sage & Dragon's Blood Combine In These Sticks For A Highly Aromatic Experience, Creating A Peaceful, Harmonious Atmosphere And Enabling A Greater Ease Of Relaxation.
Each incense box is sold individually & contains 15g, roughly around 10-12 incense stick.